Hair Loss Grading Scales
Many classification schemes have been proposed to define the types and the extent of baldness. However, the most widely accepted standard is the Norwood classification for men and the Ludwig classification for women.
In the Norwood classification for me, baldness progresses from early loss along the frontal hairline (Norwood Type I) to severe global loss (Norwood Type VII). Similarly, for women, hair loss progresses from early Ludwig Grade I to advanced Ludwig Grade III hair loss.
Norwood Classification for Men
The Norwood scale is used for men suffering from male pattern baldness (MPB). MPB follows a predictable pattern in which thinning initially starts at the temples, progressing back to the crown or top back of the head. The progression of hair loss is classified in stages although the transition from stage to stage.
Time does not play a factor in the classification, although some men experience rapid transition as opposed to others who maintain themselves at a given stage for long periods. The Norwood Scale is comprised of seven stages, I to VII, with Stage I being the non-balding stage and Stage VII being terminal MPB (almost no hair on scalp save some at the sides and back).
Male pattern baldness begins with recession at the hairline, specifically the temples (Stage I to II). From there, each stage follows the progression of the receding temple in a backward manner with the crown losing hair in a circular fashion. Hair loss at the crown can be experienced at Stage III or still remain unnoticeable by Stage IV. However by Stage IV both temples and crown are visibly losing hair.
By stage VI, the hair loss which started at the temples meets the expanding crown area, leading to almost no hair covering the top of the scalp. The end stage of MPB (Stage VII) leaves the scalp with minimal hair at the sides and back.
Ludwig Classification for Women
The Ludwig Classification System is a standard scale commonly used for classifying the pattern of female hair loss.