Healthy Diet


A lack of essential vitamins and minerals is one of the leading causes of hair loss. People who suffer from the various forms of hair loss, are also deficient in a number of essential nutrients.


Healthy hair requires vitamins that are essential for proper nourishment. With a healthy and balanced diet, sufficient vitamins should be included. However, due to time constraints and a hectic lifestyle, many people may not be getting the vitamins they need. This is where diet supplements may help. However, too much of a certain vitamin in your body may also have harmful effects, both for your hair and your general health.





Iron is one of the most abundant metals on Earth. It is essential to healthy life and to normal human physiology. Iron is an vital part of many proteins and enzymes that maintain good health in your body. In the human body, iron is an essential component of proteins that are involved in oxygen transport. Iron is also vital for the regulation of cell growth. A deficiency of iron results in the limit of oxygen delivery to cells. This results in fatigue, poor mental alertness, and decreased immunity. However, excess iron in the body can result in toxicity and even death.

Iron deficiency has been found to have a close link to hair loss in some, but not all, clinical studies. However when people who are iron deifient and losing hair are treated for iron deficiency in addition to hair loss, the ability to regrow hair is maximized. Addressing iron deficiency can  maximize hair regowth. The pateient does not need to be anemic to begin treatment for iron deficiency, and iron supplements taken in conjunction with hair regrowth treatments can actually regrow hair, and assist in stopping hair shedding. However, it would be dangerous for balding people to start taking iron supplements in their own, unless advised by a doctor, as iron supplements can lead to dangerous iron overload in the body.




 Posted by admin at 4:43 pm

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