Female Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia)


What is Pattern Baldness

Pattern baldness, for both males and females, is referred to as Androgenetic Alopecia. This is the most common type of hair loss, affecting roughly one third of the world’s population. It affects both men and women. The hair loss is most pronounced on the top part of the scalp.

In women, the hair loss is usually limited to thinning at the front, the sides and crown. Complete baldness rarely occurs in women.


What causes Pattern Baldness

The way that MPB is inherited from is not completely clear, however a genetic variation of the X chromosome linked to MPB has been identified – this supporrs the idea that baldness is inherited from the mothers side. Further research, however, has identified  to non sex based variants of chromosomes, meaning that baldness could also be inherited from the mothers or fathers side.

The genetic predisposition to baldness, in addition to the actions of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a hormone derived from testosterone and found in relevant amounts in males, causes the hair follicles to die. This mechanism is also unfortunately unclear, however scientists believe that the hair follicle is starved from normal blood flow, and hence sufficient nutrients. Increased inflammation is also thought to occur at the follicle from the constant acting of DHT. Hence the popularity of DHT inhibitors in hair regrowth products.


What does Female Pattern Baldness look like


Treatment for Female Pattern Baldness

No Treatment


 Posted by admin at 12:32 pm