At any particular time, about 90% of your hair is growing, while the other 10% is in a resting phase. Every couple of months the resting hair falls out. This allows new hair to grow in its place. In the few months following pregnancy, excessive hair shedding may occur. This is called Telogen effluvium. This is not uncommon, affecting somewhere between 40 to 50% of women; but like most changes during pregnancy, it is temporary.
Does hair loss occur during pregnancy?
During the pregnancy, an increased number of hairs progress into the telogen, or resting phase. This is part of the normal hair cycle. This is not serious enough to cause any serious hair loss or bald patches, and hair loss diminishes three to four months after delivery. If there is an unusual amount of hair loss during pregnancy, this may be due to vitamin or mineral deficiencies.
So the answer to the question, does hair loss occur during pregnancy, is no! The increased hormone levels (specifically the hormone estrogen) during pregnancy keeps hair loss at a minimal, and you with a full and luscious head of hair. The most common period when hair loss does occur is about three months after delivery. This happens because after delivery, hormone levels can return back to normal, allowing the hair to shed and return to its normal cycle. The normal hair loss that was prevented from happening during the pregnancy, may all occur in a short period of time.
Up to 50% or 60% of hair may enter the telogen phase, with hair loss peaking at three to four months after delivery. At this point the hair follicles are rejuvenating themselves. However note that this hair loss is temporary, and hair loss should return to normal levels withing six to twelve months.
Suggestions for hair care during and after pregnancy
Do not put unnecessary stress on your hair by wearing braids, tight rollers, cornrows, pigtails or hair weaves. These pull and stress your hair.
Monitor your hormone levels, to ensure they are optimal.
Use shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and B complex vitamins. Here are some suggested shampoos from
Eat a healthy diet that is full of fruits and vegetables. These contain many flavonoids and antioxidants, that may provide protection for hair follicles and facilitate hair regrowth.
Some dietary supplements that may assist hair regrowth, if you are unable to eat a diet rich in nutrients avery day. Here are some supplements available from
Hair is very fragile when wet, so be gentle when using hair dryers or other heated instruments, such as curlers or straighteners, and use them on a cooler setting. Avoid using very fine brush combs, and do not brush your hair excessively.