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For most women, hair is an asset. There’s nothing a woman loves more than flipping her hair during a conversation or twisting the strands while she’s lost in thoughts.

About 100% of men can tell a story about one time they were late for a date because their female partner was styling her hair. Women spend a considerable amount of time, trying to make their hair outstanding, so when they do not get the desired results, panic starts to set in.

Little wonder why women are quick to identify problems like hair thinning on their temples during the initial stages.

While a lot of women focus on hair loss along the scalp or hairline, hair thinning around the temple should also be a cause for concern.


How Do You Identify Hair Thinning On Temples?

While statistics show that several women lose nearly 100 strands of hair during their daily activities, an obvious sign that all is not well with the temple is a receding hairline which will sooner or later, get to the temple.

Another obvious sign that the hair around the temple region is thinning out is the ease with which you can see the base of the strands. On a normal condition, the thickness of a healthy hair should make it difficult to see the scalp around the temple. Once you begin to see the color of a person’s scalp right from a distance, then it’s obvious that hair thinning has set in.


What Causes Hair Thinning On Temples

Over the years, various factors have been identified to be the major causes of hair thinning among the temple regions in females, some of them include 



Alopecia is a condition that can result in hair thinning around the temple of a woman. It is triggered when the hair follicles around the female temple region get attacked by white blood cells, making them weaker and unable to generate thicker and stronger hair strands.


Hormonal Changes

This is another reason for hair loss around the temple. During pregnancy, a lot of hormonal changes occur. The follicles around the temple are not exempted from the effects of these changes. If you notice hair thinning while pregnant, there should be no cause for alarm. Things should revert to normal after your pregnancy term is over.



Stress has been proven to be a major causative factor for general hair loss and hair thinning. When the body is utterly stressed, the immune system receives a higher amount of nutrients, thereby leaving little or no nutrients to energize the hair follicles. 


Tight Hairstyles

When you make your hair to be too tight, excessive traction may pull the hair on your temple so much that they begin to fall out. Examples of hairstyles that can cause such traction include cornrows and ponytails.


How Can Women Prevent Hair Thinning Around The Temple?

While hair thinning around the temple due to genetic factors cannot be avoided, there are steps you can take to prevent hair thinning around the temple region. Some of these steps include:


Avoiding Hair Treatments That Can Damage Your Hair

While using a hot curling iron around your temple can make it look all curly and shiny, it is important to apply lesser heat around your temple region to avoid hair thinning and hair loss around your temple.


Avoid Pulling Your Hair

While pulling and twisting your hair may be trendy, understanding that twisting may result in hair thinning around your temple region should scare you away from exerting so much stress on your hair.


Proper Dieting

Taking sufficient amounts of protein and vitamins can help your body generate the necessary vitamins needed by your hair follicles to do a good job. 

If you’re pregnant, your body will need more nutrients. In this case, you will need to consume a proper amount of fatty acids to provide excess nutrients or the body, and having it spill to other vital organs like your hair follicles.


While all these steps can help to drastically reduce hair thinning in women, it is important to schedule an appointment with a medical professional to identify other possible causes that may be related to hair thinning around your temple and get a corresponding treatment to retain your hairy glory.

Have you tried any of these treatments? Which did you find most effective? Tell us about it in the comment section!

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